Saturday, May 31, 2014

Google Ads Developer Blog

Google Ads Developer Blog

Changes to the IMA SDK for iOS

Posted: 30 May 2014 12:07 PM PDT

The IMA SDK for iOS version beta7 will introduce some changes in the way you tell the SDK about your display area and companion slots, which lays the groundwork for more versatility in displaying ads. While these new, more versatile features aren't quite ready yet, we recommend building with beta7 so you'll be prepared to take advantage of upcoming greater versatility and extending support to future iOS platforms.

Introducing the IMAAdDisplayContainer

In the beta6 version of the SDK, the IMAAdsManager contains an adView which you add to your UI to display ads (IMAAdsManager.adView). In the beta7 version of the SDK, you will provide the SDK with a UIView in which it will display ads when they are ready. This is done via the new IMAAdDisplayContainer. This new object will also contain information about your companion ad slots (but more on that later):

  self.adDisplayContainer = [[IMAAdDisplayContainer alloc]

In the example, we use the videoView as the UIView for the ad container. The SDK simply adds views to the provided UIView to display ads, so you won't lose the required components for the content player already in the videoView. This IMAAdDisplayContainer will be passed to the IMAAdRequest, in place of the current companionSlots parameter:

  IMAAdsRequest *request =
[[IMAAdsRequest alloc] initWithAdTagUrl:self.adTagUrlTextField.text

Changes to the IMACompanionAdSlot

In the beta6 version of the SDK, you provide the IMAAdsRequest with an NSArray of IMACompanionSlot objects, each of which is initialized with a width and height. When ads are loaded, you add these to your UI:

  // Create your companion slots.
NSMutableDictionary *companions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
companions[@"300x50"] =
[[IMACompanionAdSlot alloc] initWithWidth:300 height:50];
self.companionSlots = companions;


// Give the companion slots to the IMAAdsRequest.
IMAAdsRequest *request =
[[IMAAdsRequest alloc] initWithAdTagUrl:self.adTagUrlTextField.text
companionSlots:[self.companionSlots allValues]


// Once ads have been loaded, display the companion ads.
[self.smallCompanionSlot addSubview:
((IMACompanionAdSlot *)self.companionSlots[@"300x50"]).view];
In the beta7 version of the SDK, you will initialize the IMAAdDisplayContainer with an array of companion ad slots. You will then initialize the IMAAdsRequest with the IMAAdDisplayContainer. When ads are loaded, the SDK will fill in the companions for you:
  // Create your companion slots.
NSMutableDictionary *companions = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
companions[@"300x50"] =
[[IMACompanionAdSlot alloc] initWithView:self.smallCompanionSlot
self.companionSlots = companions;

// Give the companion slots to the IMAAdDisplayContainer.
self.adDisplayContainer = [[IMAAdDisplayContainer alloc]
companionSlots:[self.companionSlots allValues]];

// Request ads with the IMAAdDisplayContainer.
IMAAdsRequest *request =
[[IMAAdsRequest alloc] initWithAdTagUrl:self.adTagUrlTextField.text

These changes will allow for continued support of YouTube-hosted ads (including TrueView), as well as allow you to provide a custom player for ads further down the road, similar to the HTML5 custom playback option. A custom ad player is not intended to be used by everyone - in fact most of you will not need it - but it will offer support for some additional features in the future.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to contact us via the support forum.

Update: Creating SNDS Campaigns in AdWords

Posted: 30 May 2014 09:02 AM PDT

This post will help you configure the attributes of your campaigns in the AdWords API and ensure they're ready for the Search Network with Display Select (SNDS) migration.

In v201402, we introduced the displaySelect attribute to indicate the campaign state during the migration period. Consider displaySelect as a transitional flag: it only has meaning when advertisingChannelType is set to SEARCH and both search and content networks set to true in networkSettings. Elsewhere, it can be safely ignored.

Starting September 16th 2014, we will begin automatically upgrading legacy Search & Display campaigns. Once the migration is complete, we will remove the displaySelect flag from the Campaign entity and service in a subsequent API release. Therefore, we recommend not setting any value for displaySelect in your campaign creation code, so you don't need to maintain it later. It is only useful for migrating Search & Display campaigns to SNDS.

If you take a Search Only campaign that had contentNetwork = false in its networkSettings, and set that to true in v201402, thereby opting into the Display network, the API will also then set displaySelect to true, so that you don't mistakenly create a legacy Search & Display campaign instead of an SNDS campaign.

If you still have legacy Search & Display campaigns, we recommend you either split or migrate them before we automatically migrate them for you. There are multiple options for migrating, from switching over entirely to SNDS, to splitting your campaign into parts each targeting Display, Search, and/or SNDS separately.

We have taken these steps in order to reduce the number of changes required to your code. If you have any further questions about this, or any other, topic, please contact us on the forum or via our Google+ page.

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